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How to Work From Home During COVID-19 Quarantine

Since the Covid-19 quarantine, I know many people that are fortunately still working but are now doing so remotely. A lot of people are talking about how they are struggling with this new way of work and having a hard time staying focused. I’ve been working from home for almost two years so I figured I would share some tips.

Get up and get ready

Although you’re not commuting anymore you should still get up and get ready as if you are. Make sure you shower, eat breakfast and get dressed. I hate wearing jeans around the house so I completely understand wanting to be comfortable but you can do this without wearing pajamas! Think, joggers or leggings with a cute t-shirt and a denim jacket. You can follow The Honest Blonde on the LIKEtoKNOW.it app to get some more suggestions. https://www.liketoknow.it/thehonestblondee

Turn on some music

What kind of music motivates you and puts you in a positive mood? Whatever that is, turn it up! “They say music can alter moods and talk to you” – Eminem (sorry had to.) If you wake up feeling, “not in the mood.” Your favorite album can turn that around and get you pumped up for the day.

Live by your calendar

If you’re anything like me, you’re having a hard time focusing especially with all of the media distractions. I block an hour from 8:00 am-9:00 am to go through emails, an hour from 12:00 pm-1:00 pm for lunch, and an hour from 4:00 pm-5:00 pm to prep for the next day. If you need to be reminded of something, put it on your calendar. Obviously things come up during the day but try your best not to deviate from the plan you set out.


During my lunch hour, I normally eat then go for a walk with my dog or do a quick 10-15 minute work out. Even getting up and teaching yourself a Tik Tok dance can not only be a physical work out but mentally stimulating in other ways besides thinking about work.

Get rid of distractions

If you can remind yourself that the quicker you get something done the quicker you can sign off. Turn your phone over so you can’t see any social media or news notifications. Out of sight out of mind!

Remember that only one out of four Americans have the capability to work from home right now so be grateful, stay positive, and keep focused!


The Honest Blonde